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A discussion of discussions on AI bias What the FTC got wrong in the Google antitrust investigation How web bloat impacts users with slow devices Diseconomies of scale in fraud, spam, support, and moderation Why it's impossible to agree on what's allowed Notes on Cruise's pedestrian accident Why do people post on [bad platform] instead of [good platform]? How bad are search results? Let's compare Google, Bing, Marginalia, Kagi, Mwmbl, and ChatGPT Futurist prediction methods and accuracy In defense of simple architectures Why is it so hard to buy things that work well? Misidentifying talent A decade of major cache incidents at Twitter Cocktail party ideas The container throttling problem Some thoughts on writing Some latency measurement pitfalls Major errors on this blog (and their corrections) Individuals matter Culture matters Willingness to look stupid What to learn Some reasons to work on productivity and velocity The value of in-house expertise Measurement, benchmarking, and data analysis are underrated Against essential and accidental complexity How do cars do in out-of-sample crash testing? A simple way to get more value from tracing A simple way to get more value from metrics How (some) good corporate engineering blogs are written The growth of command line options, 1979-Present Suspicious discontinuities 95%-ile isn't that good Algorithms interviews: theory vs. practice Files are fraught with peril Randomized trial on gender in Overwatch Computer latency: 1977-2017 How good are decisions? Evaluating decision quality in domains where evaluation is easy How out of date are Android devices? UI backwards compatibility Filesystem error handling Keyboard latency Branch prediction Sattolo's algorithm Terminal latency The widely cited studies on mouse vs. keyboard efficiency are completely bogus Startup options v. cash How web bloat impacts users with slow connections HN: the good parts Programming book recommendations and anti-recommendations Hiring and the market for lemons I could do that in a weekend! Is dev compensation bimodal? How I learned to program Notes on concurrency bugs Some programming blogs to consider reading Google SRE book We only hire the trendiest Sampling v. tracing We saw some really bad Intel CPU bugs in 2015 and we should expect to see more in the future Normalization of deviance Big companies v. startups Files are hard Why use ECC? What's worked in Computer Science: 1999 v. 2015 Infinite disk Why Intel added cache partitioning Slowlock Steve Yegge's prediction record Reading postmortems Slashdot and Sourceforge The googlebot monopoly A defense of boring languages Advantages of monorepos We used to build steel mills near cheap power. Now that's where we build datacenters Reading citations is easier than most people think Given that we spend little on testing, how should we test software? What happens when you load a URL? Goodhearting IQ, cholesterol, and tail latency AI doesn't have to be very good to displace humans CPU backdoors Blog monetization What's new in CPUs since the 80s? A review of the Julia language Integer overflow checking cost Malloc tutorial Markets, discrimination, and "lowering the bar" TF-IDF linux commits One week of bugs Speeding up this site by 50x How often is the build broken? Literature review on the benefits of static types CLWB and PCOMMIT Caches: LRU v. random Testing v. informal reasoning Assembly v. intrinsics Data-driven bug finding Editing binaries That bogus gender gap article That time Oracle tried to have a professor fired for benchmarking their database Why don't schools teach debugging? Do programmers need math? Data alignment and caches PCA is not a panacea Why hardware development is hard How to discourage open source contributions Randomize HN Writing safe Verilog Verilog is weird